A hive that has been affected by CCD

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why bee's are important to people

Bee's may seem like they aren't that important and that if anything they are more of just an annoying insect. If you think like this then you are absolutely wrong. Bees are the reason that we have one third of our source of food. We need bees to pollinate many of the crops that we eat like fruits and vegetable's, we also need them to pollinate the food that animals eat as well. If bees were extinct we would have major problems, our survival would be the biggest. Albert Einstein once said that if bees were to become extinct then we would only have four years left to live. Bees play a vital role for our ecosystem and are needed so much that beekeepers have to rent out their hives every year to farms in order for them to be able to get all of their crops pollinated. After reading this you know that bees are not just around to make honey, they are needed for so much more.


  1. This is a very interesting topic. I find it crazy that bee's play such a vital role in our world. I just bought a house and have a big bee problem, and I have often thought about taking the hives down, but since your blog and your paper I have wanted to call a bee keeper! Your blog is very informative!

  2. I had never heard much about it either until I had to choose a topic for a research paper and when I found out about the problem with the dissapearence of bees I was very interested and wanted to find out more. Also you might want to make sure that the hives around your house are actually bees, they may be wasps and if thats the case you may as well get rid of them because they do not pollinate like bees do.
